Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac OS
April 15, 2018
- Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac Os 7
- Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac Os X
- Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac Os Catalina
My name is Maggie, I'm 24 and I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I love all things fashion, health, fitness & beauty related. I hope to inspire all of you to be comfortable. No matter what your playstyle is, you’ll find it in Paladins. With Paladins’ deckbuilding system, you can become an iron sights sniper, a grenade-slinging explosives expert, or a track star with an assault rifle – all as the same Champion. Flipboard curates the world's stories so you can focus on investing in yourself, staying informed, and getting involved. With curated packages that offer insights and inspiration for any interest, Flipboard will make you feel like you’ve spent your time well. In Maggie's Grinning Soul, you play Yolanda, a psychic investigator hired by the police to help solve the case of the unexplained death of a teenage girl named Margaret. Maggie's Downtown is NOW OPEN! Serving DINE IN and Carryout orders. Special Hours: Monday- Closed Tuesday- 11am-11pm Wednesday- 11am-11pm Thursday- 11am-11pm Friday- 11am-11pm Saturday- 11am-11pm Sunday- 11am-10pm.Kitchen closes at 9:00pmeach day. CALL DOWN TOWN 314-421-1388 for Carryout orders SUNSET HILLS #314-842-7678 We also deliver VIA.
One cannot look back on this year without recognizing the tragedy our institution faced as details from the Nassar case were revealed. The horrors of this abuse of power shook us to the core and continue to reverberate through our community. In light of this tragedy we have doubled our efforts and commitment to providing our students with a living learning environment that is safe and inclusive. We are proud of our students who have created a new RISE Health and Wellness team focused on providing restorative workshops to educate their peers about mental and physical self-care. As leaders at MSU, Heather and I continue to advocate for university resources to provide students with improved access for counseling and psychiatric services. We both recently received training in intergroup dialogue in an effort to support the university-wide culture change in becoming a place where listening is valued.
As a testimony to our students’ incredible resilience you will find in the following pages stories of great work towards a better future. RISE students have expanded the Bailey Tea Project to become MSU’s first ever student-run business, Land Grant Goods. We are exploring new ways to cultivate mushrooms in our passive solar hoophouse. Our Campus Fair-Trade team recently attended a national conference in Washington DC in order to bring back best practices to MSU. In 2018 we will award two scholarships from our newly established Soichiro Kurachi RISE Student Leader Endowment and we will send three students to Japan to study international sustainable business practices.
We hope you will be continually inspired by our student’s commitment to change.
Laurie Thorp, PhD
Director, RISE
Heather Shea
Assistant Director, RISE
To download a PDF of the report, click on your preferred file size here:
RISE 2017-2018 Annual Report - low resolution [2MB]
RISE 2017-2018 Annual Report - full resolution [1.0GB]
Or, click/scroll through a web-based version of the report sections here:
- Liberty Hyde Bailey Hydroponics
- Sustainable Stories Blog Team
- Health & Wellness
- Bee Team
We are especially proud of our recruitment efforts this year. Led by Heather and assisted by our MSU Student Affairs practicum student Karlee Moxley and several undergraduates we witnessed the largest turnout for our annual RISE Open House with over 125 attendees. We are clearly seeing the fruits of our labor pay off in the quality of our recruits. The strength of our facilities combined with our experiential learning pedagogy is attracting high performing students with a wealth of prior environmental leadership experience. This year we anticipate at least four Academic Distinguished Scholars and a University Distinguished Scholar in our fall 2018 cohort. The average ACT score for this cohort is 30, up from an average of 27 last year.
The RISE Academic Orientation Program (AOP) Prep workshop is held in April prior to the university orientations that occur throughout the summer. The aim of this day is for students to become acquainted with the MSU colleges in order to find their best fit. Students will leave with a foundational understanding of self-awareness and their own areas of interest. The session includes student panels and conversations around passion, skills, and self-authorship and characteristics of students that are in each MSU college. AOP Prep aims to improve self-assessment of skills and strong interests in career paths, to promote a safe space for self-discovery, and to provide the opportunity for real conversations about career exploration by introducing the conversation of what truly makes up a major. Students leave AOP Prep with points of contact within RISE and the ability to begin navigating the MSU system to be best prepared for AOP sessions in the summer.
This year marked the first full year of business for MSU’s first ever student-run business Land Grant Goods. As a fulfillment of the provost’s vision for expanded entrepreneurial skill building at MSU, this business has provided students from multiple majors and colleges “hands-on” experience with running a value-added agricultural start-up. The student leaders report to a board of directors comprised of the participating partners for the business: Neil Kane, Director for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Paul Jacques, Spartan Innovations, Ken Szymusziak, Broad College of Business, and Laurie Thorp, RISE Program. All products are made from products grown organically at Bailey Greenhouse and Urban Farm or the MSU Student Organic Farm. You can purchase LGG products online ( or at the 1855 Place Spartan Market and the MSU Surplus Store.
Now in its fifth year, the RISE peer mentor program continued to provide support for student transitions and academic success at MSU via intentional outreach, RISE events, and one-on-one support. Our peer mentor program pairs experienced second-year students with incoming first year students. This year’s mentor cohort was the largest we’ve ever had (19!) and many of the mentors served in dual roles as tutors, NSC 192 learning assistants, and team leaders. The Mentor Coordinator, Cameron Andrews, provided support to mentors as they assisted first year students. For next year, the RISE Mentor Program will be one of the Pilot Activities for Michigan State University’s Co-Curricular Record.
In the spring semester, Drs. Lissy Goralnik, Robby Richardson and Laurie Thorp facilitated a 2-credit seminar on contemplative practices for ecological resilience. The course is designed to explore how contemplative practices can help sustainability learners and leaders develop individual resilience, in ways that support the development of resilient communities, who can then work collaboratively toward resilient socio-ecological systems. Each class includes short group practices with longer weekly explorations of other contemplative practices as well as creative and contemplative readings and open dialogue. Contemplative practices can help students find balance in their commitments, as they strengthen their inner reserves and develop skills to not only cope, but to flourish in the academic and activist environments. As well, working with breath and body can re-ignite a connection one’s whole self in a way that can inform environmental learning and practice, while also healing and sustaining one to do good work on behalf of communities and the natural world.
We are exceedingly grateful this year for our partnership with President Soichiro Kurachi of Japan Corn Starch. President Kurachi has a long history working with Michigan State University and Professor Ramani Narayan on compostable plastics. He has a deep commitment to international exchange in education and sustainable business practices. RISE was identified by President Kurachi as an exemplary academic program for his daughter to study environmental leadership for women. Following her experience with RISE, Erika Kurachi went on to be awarded the opportunity to study at University of Illinois. Because of our mentoring and leadership development for his daughter, President Kurachi chose to establish the Soichiro Kurachi Endowed Scholarship for emerging leaders in RISE. This gift of $125,000 will allow us to award two deserving RISE leaders annually with academic scholarships.
In addition to the generous gift to establish the Soichiro Kurachi Endowment, President Kurachi has made an annual commitment to bring two to three RISE students to Japan for a 10-day summer study program. The expenses for this program are entirely covered by Japan Corn Starch.
RISE students will have the opportunity to travel to Japan and experience multiple aspects of a large international agricultural business first-hand. Japan Corn Starch is a 150 year-old business focused on the production of: bioplastics, cornstarch, pharmaceutical cornstarch, corn sweetener, and rice starch. JCS is a world leader in sustainable practices including composting of production waste materials, CO2 reduction, recycling and other forms of pollution prevention. JCS also supports US farmers who produce non-GMO corn.
During this intensive internship, students will visit the JCS corporate headquarters in Tokyo and tour the Kinuura Plant in order to see all aspects of production. Students will have the opportunity to meet with CEO and President Soichiro Kurachi, along with directors of Research and Development, Sales, Marketing, Quality Control, and Purchasing.
New in 2018, students will tour the site of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster to learn more about the impact and aftermath of the tsunami on this region.
Included in this study program are several cultural tours to provide our students with exposure to historical and cross-cultural learning. Students will experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, tour a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple, dine on authentic Japanese cuisine, visit Mt. Fuji, sightseeing in Nagoya and Tokyo.
Summer program participants in 2018 are Evan Beresford, Lauren Lepsky, and Eleanor Kole.
Our co-curricular teams are the heart and soul of the experiential learning we embrace in RISE. Each year in NSC 192 we require our students to provide 10 hours of engagement with their favorite RISE team project. Every year the scope and variety of teams varies, however, some of our perennial favorites include: compost, worms, cooking workshops, bees and mushrooms. These high-impact practices allow students the opportunity to engage in real campus change initiatives, develop team leadership skills and interdisciplinary communication. Although the teams are formed in the fall semester we foster the growth of these teams into spring semester. Sophomores and juniors typically provide continuity of leadership for the projects.
Liberty Hyde Bailey Hydroponics
First-year students Ashley Wright and Caleb Spall are exploring the viability of growing herbs hydroponically in Bailey Hall. This team was very successful in garnering equipment donations from Botanicare Plant Energy Products and High Tech Garden Supply. The hydroponic system is a pilot project to explore both growing plants in a limited space (often urban) as well as the need to reduce water use and waste. Our first successful crop was Thai basil grown from January through March and sold to our partners in MSU Culinary Services.
Sustainable Stories Blog Team
It was the best of blogs, it was the worst of blogs. It was an age of Wordpress, it was an age of poorly thought out parody intros. The RISE blog, Sustainable Stories, is a student-run blog (edited by Kara Headley, Haylie May, and Racheal Nassimbwa) that posts weekly articles about environmental news, RISE events, and other things. The blog team members work together to create a supportive environment where any writer can publish their work. Our goal is to make environmental news accessible to everyone in an easy to read and entertaining way. In between news, we publish articles about the different activities RISE students participate in, like yoga nights, movie nights, and working in the greenhouse. Sometimes the articles feature stories about entertainment, like movie reviews and strange places to sleep. The blog team is a place where students can grow their writing skills and make new friends.
Health & Wellness
This new team was created by Hannah Grindling and several first-year RISE students in response to the increasing need to develop coping strategies for stress, anxiety, depression and a host of mental health issues. The Health and Wellness team has hosted throughout the year a series of workshops to provide their peers with skills such as yoga, mindfulness, time-management, and a variety of therapeutic crafts.
Bee Team
Our Bee Team continues to hum along with the extraordinary news that our rooftop colonies have survived the long Michigan winter and Varroa infestation! The team held several workshops for Brody residents and Oliver Autrey, Michal Babinski, and Anna Jullie presented their work at the Clinton Global Initiative University. They have also presented their project at a meeting of the mid-Michigan beekeepers organization. Several local elementary schools have also learned about the wonders of bees thanks to the Bee Team.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Sabrina Alafita- FW
Alex Albers-Nutri Sci
Sierra Barfield- FOR
Sarah Ebaugh-Food Sci
Blake Erhart- EEP
Ashely Dixon-FW
Jack Duvall-EEM
Haley Ferer-PKG
Kristen Field-FOR
Zachary Forbush- SPRT
Bret Foster-FOR
Degen Gembarowski-HRT
Anna Marie Hense-PKG
Taylor Hess-FOR
Shane Hoey-PKG
Kera Howell-AFNRE
Colleen Joseph-Nutri Sci
Alysha Keeling-ESS
Joshua Knoll-EEP
Nathan Lee- EEM
Katie Mercer-FOR
Nicole Mosteller-ESS
Shaina Opperman-ESS
Caroline Redick- EEP-
Jacqueline Rogge-ESS
Jack Schumacher-PKG
Tegan Servo-PKG
Zack Thomas-PKG
Espoir Tuyisenge-FIM
Maggie Vroman -PKG
Becky Wildt- FW
Jess Wiley- ANS
Eli Broad College of Business
Christiana Apol- FIN
Jeff Barko-Supply Chain
Abbey Baum-HRM
Stephen Brown-Supply Chain
Juliet Degain-Supply Chain
Savannah Krull- Supply Chain
Victoria Qiao-MGMT
Brittany Shaheen- MKT
Kaylee Zajac- Supply Chain
College of Natural Science
Darlene Brennan- Biochem
Nicole Featherstone- ZOL
Nick Green- ZOL
Ariana Hernandez-ZOL
Katheryne Johnston-EBM
Hannah Macdonald-Earth Sci
Cody Madsen-Biochem
Michelle Michaels-Earth Sci
Nicole Robichaud-ZOL
Nur Sapuan- EBZ
Lucy Schroeder-PB
Dave Urich- Hum Bio
Isaac Walton-ZOL
Nicholas Wilson- Hum Bio
Erin Zimmer-EBZ
College of Social Science
Grace Clark-ISS
Zach Grover-CJ
Amy Hair-ANT
Julian Hughes-Pol Sci
Megan Isaacson-ECON
Joe Klawiter-Pol Sci
Diane Lee-ISS
Alec Manaia-Soc
Kealan Millies-Lucke- URP
College of Engineering
Matthew Hamilton- AES
Jarrett Janicki-Chem EGR
Shyly Katbai-Enviro EGR
Alexis Kontorousis-Biosystems
Patrick Kuiper-AES
Harrison Malach-AES
Nikki Onopa-AES
Marina Ostaszewski-Env EGR
College of Communication Arts and Science
Ryleigh Mcgregor- Com
College of Arts and Letters
Jay Hull-PW
Hanna Kielar – PW
Lyman Briggs
Abby Sulesky-EBM
College of Education
Bethany Kogut- Primary Ed
James Madison College
Joe Lange-SRP
College of Nursing
Roberta Dankyi-Nursing
Lillian Slajus, STAR Scholarship,4 year full ride
Jaclyn Barta, G. Malcom Trout Scholarship, $3000
John Pynnonen, Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, $3500
Bethany Kogut, Gupta Values Scholarship, UECP COE, MSU Community Club, $9000
Mary McHugh, FLAS, CAL Beyond Boundaries, $9000
Abby Branstetter, Hal and Jean Glassen Scholarship, $5000/yr x 4
Caleb Spall, Henry Ritter Scholarship, $2100
Lauren Lepsky, Trout Food Science and Nutrition, $5000
Kiera Quigley, Niles R. Kevern Scholarship, $1000
Lauren Lahie, Ann E. Parker Scholarship, $1200/yr
Lauren Lahie, MSU Homecoming Court 2018-2019
Holly Pummell, Hal Glassen Scholarship, $3000
Don Nguyen, MSU Dean's Research Scholarship, $1500
Don Nguyen, University of Michigan MD/PhD Summer Research Program,$4500
Emma Rice, Ralph E. & Patricia A. Hepp Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship, $1000
2017-2018 Mentors
Shatha Alabbad
Cameron Andrews *
Jaclyn Barta
Claire Dion
Hannah Grindling
Braedon Halle
Ethan Jodoin
Parker Johnson
Lauren Lahie
Hannah Landwerlen
Andrea Lescoe
Brittany Mae
Don Nguyen
Kiera Quigley
Max Raphelson
Jamie Raupp
Hannah Rusgo
Joseph Wakar
Mia White
Abe Yeck
Abe Yeck
Brittany Mae
Don Ngyuen
Joe Wakar
Bailey Green Team
Rachel Burdt
Lexi Dalecki *
Degen Gembarowski
Corrine Johnston
Bethany Kogut *
Lindsay Mensch **
Caleb Spall *
Mia White **
1st Year Recruitment Team
Jaclyn Barta
Kathryn Beauchamp
Evan Beresford
Abby Branstetter *
Michael Chung
Emily Dettloff
Alison Ferer
Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac Os 7
Nicole Hawes
Zach Hayes
Natalie Kagole
Nana Krah
Lauren Lahie
Katie Mack
Karlee Moxley *
Racheal Chris Nassimba
Kaitlyn Nessler
Max Offerman
Kiera Quigley *
Jamie Raupp **
Kellie Rietsch
Nick Trolz
Faith White
Land Grant Goods Paid Staff
Evan Beresford
Zack Hayes
Bethany Kogut *
Nana Krah
Alex Marx **

Abdullah Mohammed **
Jake Standefer
* Indicates Current Coordinator/leader
** Indicates Past Coordinator/Leader
We couldn’t do it without you. Heartfelt thanks to you our community partners who create a network of care and support for our students.
Neil Kane, Undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Ken Szymusziak, Broad College of Business
Paul Jacques, Spartan Innovations
Chris Sell, Spartan Innovations
Denae Friedheim, Student Organic Farm
Mike Hamm, Department of Community Sustainability
Lissy Goralnik, Department of Community Sustainability
Robby Richardson, Department of Community Sustainability
Kurt Kwiatkowski, Culinary Services
Meghan Milbrath, Department of Entomology
Greg Bonito, Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Science
Michael and Donna Kaplowitz
Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac Os X
Becky Jo Farrington, College of Natural Science
Daniel Spadafore, International Studies and Programs
Angha Childress, International Studies and Programs
Tom March, MSU Surplus
Jennifer Kay, Residential Education and Housing Services
Vennie Gore, Auxillary Services
Daniel Delaney, Sparty’s Market
...and our many friends at:
Culinary Services
IPF Sustainability
Residential and Hospitality Services
Residential Education and Housing Services
Housing Assignments Office
College of Natural Science
College of Agriculture And Natural Resources
College of Engineering
Eli Broad College of Business
College of Communication Arts and Sciences
College of Social Science
Maggie's Grinning Soul Mac Os Catalina
College of Arts And Letters