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Some recent brain train­ing and health news:

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1) A Promis­ing Debut for Com­put­er­ized Therapies

2) Fit­ness pro­tects brain in Alzheimer’s patients

3) Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram Clas­sic comes to Mac

4) Posit Sci­ence gains own­er­ship of Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing (NSDQ: SCIL) BrainConnection.

5) Brain train­ing on your mobile

6) You must remem­ber this: how the mind works

Here you have the links and my com­men­tary for these news:

1) A Promis­ing Debut for Com­put­er­ized Therapies

- “Against this dif­fi­cult back­ground, researchers at Yale report a par­a­digm-shift­ing approach that clos­es the gap to cost-effec­tive real-world deliv­ery of an effec­tive cog­ni­tive-behav­ioral therapy(CBT) pro­gram for sub­stance depen­dence. Clev­er­ly called com­put­er-based train­ing for cog­ni­tive-behav­ioral ther­a­py (CBT4CBT),this infor­ma­tion age web-based pro­gram pen­e­trates pre­vi­ous­ly impreg­nable bar­ri­ers to care delivery.”

Com­ment: fas­ci­nat­ing recent clin­i­cal tri­al on the ben­e­fits of com­put­er-based cog­ni­tive inter­ven­tions, pre­sent­ed with a very insight­ful edi­to­r­i­al on how these emerg­ing tools can com­ple­ment exist­ing, face-to-face, approaches.

2) Fit­ness pro­tects brain in Alzheimer’s patients

- “Peo­ple in the ear­ly stages of Alzheimer’s dis­ease who are more phys­i­cal­ly fit had less shrink­age in areas of the brain that are impor­tant for mem­o­ry, researchers said on Sunday.”

- “Fit­ness and exer­cise have been shown to slow age-relat­ed changes in the brain in healthy peo­ple. The lat­est find­ing sug­gests peo­ple with ear­ly Alzheimer’s dis­ease may still benefit.”

Com­ment: anoth­er study show­ing why, no mat­ter our age or cog­ni­tive health, lead­ing a seden­tary life is bad for our brains.

3) Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram Clas­sic comes to Mac

- “Posit Sci­ence has announced the release of Brain Fit­ness Pro­gram Clas­sic for the Mac. It costs $395. Sys­tem require­ments call for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or lat­er, 1GB hard disk space”

Com­ment: Mac users have now have access to this audi­to­ry pro­cess­ing train­ing pro­gram. Giv­en the medi­an age of par­tic­i­pants in the one pub­lished study that mea­sured the ben­e­fits of this pro­gram (close to 70 years), I am not sure many Mac users will jump on it, but it cer­tain­ly helps bridge the PC-Mac divide (to our knowl­edge this is the first sci­ence-based pro­gram offered for Macs).

4) Posit Sci­ence gains own­er­ship of Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing (NSDQ: SCIL) BrainConnection.

Com­ment: we just received an email mes­sage say­ing so. It will be inter­est­ing to learn what price Posit Sci­ence had paid for this online prop­er­ty, one of the best mar­ket­ing and strate­gic assets Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing (NSDQ: SCIL, devel­op­er of Fast For­Word) had devel­oped over the years, and the ratio­nale for hav­ing a poten­tial com­peti­tor acquire it.

5) Brain train­ing on your mobile

- “Stu­dents with mobile phones appear to have been sharp­en­ing their minds out­side their stud­ies after it was revealed that the most pop­u­lar game down­loaded onto mobile phones is ‘Brain Coach with Dr Kawashima’, accord­ing to the game’s cre­ator Nam­co Bandai.”
— Masajo Okubo, man­ag­ing direc­tor at Naco Bandai, said: “With Dr. Kawashima’s offi­cial approval, we are very proud to take this pop­u­lar genre to the next lev­el. Play­ers are now pre­sent­ed a new and sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly proven series of fun brain train­ing chal­lenges that actu­al­ly help acti­vate dif­fer­ent parts of the brain.”

Com­ment: to talk about “mobile brain train­ing” today is either an exer­cise in banal­i­ty (basi­cal­ly, every sin­gle thing we do, every sin­gle thought we have, changes some­how the struc­ture of our brains, so any­thing can be con­sid­ered to be “brain train­ing”) or mis­lead­ing, giv­en the dearth of spe­cif­ic research. Through­out the research under­tak­en to pre­pare our Mar­ket Report cov­er­ing the whole brain fit­ness soft­ware cat­e­go­ry, includ­ing mobile appli­ca­tions, we did­n’t come across a sin­gle mobile prod­uct with qual­i­ty pub­lished evi­dence on how it can enhance cog­ni­tive func­tions. We can call them “games”, but not “brain train­ing” or “brain fit­ness”, or say, as in the quote above, that they are “sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly proven”. In fact, we gave Nin­ten­do Brain Age a score of 1 out of 10 in clin­i­cal val­i­da­tion… and we do con­sid­er it more promis­ing than the many oth­er “game” copy­cats. Mobile plat­forms will be very impor­tant in the brain fit­ness mar­ket, but the medi­um will prob­a­bly show val­ue first for cog­ni­tive assess­ments, more than for real “brain train­ing”. Med­i­ta­tion, cog­ni­tive ther­a­py and com­put­er-based cog­ni­tive train­ing are, today, the only “brain train­ing” medi­ums with emerg­ing research show­ing cog­ni­tive value.

6) You must remem­ber this: how the mind works

- “Ama­zon is full of brain work­outs. Last year, British sci­en­tist Baroness Susan Green­field launched a PC-based pro­gram of exer­cis­es — Mind­Fit — whose online ‘per­son­al coach’ eval­u­ates your results and adjusts tasks depend­ing on how bad­ly you’ve done. It says it can boost mem­o­ry recall by 14 per cent. I don’t know about that, but I did get notice­ably bet­ter at pre­dict­ing the course of a hot-air bal­loon sail­ing from one cloud to another.”

- “Our appetite for bet­ter brains is an obses­sion reflect­ed in the world­wide expan­sion over the past decade of neu­ro­science stud­ies. These come on the heels of neu­roimag­ing tech­niques that have brought togeth­er the dis­ci­plines of psy­chol­o­gy (mind) and neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy (mat­ter) to pro­duce a new breed of ‘cog­ni­tive’ neu­ro­sci­en­tist who looks at behav­iour in the con­text of wiring and chemicals”

Com­ment: fun and inter­est­ing arti­cle on what is going on in the UK market.

Download Amtemu CC For Mac developed by PainteR. It’s world best activator and many prople use this. Amtemu 2020 Mac have two version first one is windows version and second one is macos version. Here we share mac system version. So just follow our post then you get easily direct link Amtemu for mac and install process.

AMTEmu MAC is the tools for Mac OS X can be used to activate all Mac Adobe Products. It tools that modify the “amtlib.dll” registration file that contains the activation product keys for all the Adobe CC.

What is AMT Emulator MAC?

AMT Emulator OR AMTEmu OR AMT MAC is a free emulator Patcher and it’s designed to remove all authorization mechanism and activate Mac OS Adobe product software. This AMTEmu Mac OS X can active mostly all versions of Adobe MAC CS and CC programs from 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 year and older, it also work some adobe cc 2019 products.

AMTEmu CC Support:

  • Adobe After Effects CC 2016 Pre-release, 2015, 2014.
  • Adobe Acrobat DC, XI, X.
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015, 2014, CS6, CS5, CS4.
  • Adobe Illustrator CC 2015, 2014.
  • Adobe Illustrator CS6, CS5, CS4.
  • Adobe InCopy CC 2015, 2014, CS6, CS5.
  • Adobe Audition CC 2015, 2014, CS6, CS5.
  • Adobe InDesign CC 2015, 2014, CS6, CS5.
  • Adobe Media Encoder CC CC 2015, 2014.
  • Adobe Muse CC CC 2015, 2014.
  • Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, 2014, CS6, CS5, CS4 Pre-release.
  • Adobe Lightroom CC (with Dehaze feature).
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015, 2014.
  • Can Activate 2017 and 2018, and some of the first releases in 2019.

Support Operating System:

Peti Ed Amuleti Mac Os Download

MacOS support latest vesion Catalina 10.15, Mojave 10.14, High Sierra 10.13, Sierra 10.12, El Capitan 10.11, Yosemite 10.10 and lower version.

How to Use AMTEmu for Mac?

We post below many install process please try first. We test everything working fine 🙂

Option One [GUI]

  1. Install the required Adobe software in a Virtual Machine.
  2. Pick the installed application from the list or specify its version, name and ID manually. This data is required for some app’s features and will be used as a stub.
  3. Run AMTEmu and locate the application. It will be replaced automatically with the emulator framework file.
  4. Copy the installed app (/Applications/*) and all

extense files if they exist, for instance, old versions of Photoshop require the TypeSupport files (/Library/Application Support /Adobe/TypeSupport/*) from VM to the host operating system.


Apps might work incorrectly or terminated with an error, if the required component won’t be copied. For example, Illustrator CC 2015.3 requires the following file:

/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/IPC/

  1. Now you can use your application.

Option Two [GUI]

  1. To install the emulator, select the required Adobe app from the list or specify its version, name and ID manually. This data is required for some app’s features and will be used as a stub.

2-1. Run AMTEmu and locate the application. It will be replaced automatically with the appropriate emulator framework file.

2-2. [Optionally] Remove all protection files and AAM to disable all the tracking and update check:

/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager

/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLCache

Peti Ed Amuleti Mac OS

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore_v1

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE


And so on.


Apps might work incorrectly or terminated with a error, if the required component will be deleted. For example, Illustrator CC 2015.3 requires the following file:

/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/IPC/

  1. Use the application.

Option Three [MANUAL]

  1. Open AMTEmu (use “Show Package Contents” options) and copy



To the required app’s folder:



Copy IMSLib.dylib stub to /Contents/Frameworks/ if required.

  1. Edit options in the painter.ini file using any text editor for the current application.
  2. Use the application.


The configuration files should be named painter.ini. Place it in the same directory where lib is stored. If it not exists, then defaults will be used.



Use INI or use default options


App name

Name=Adobe Photoshop CC



App version


App serial (as a stub)


Adobe ID stub

Person GUID (as a stub)


AMT Library version, example 7.x.x.x


And so on.

Peti Ed Amuleti Mac Os Catalina


[Backup files]

Backups files with the .DEL extension.

Peti Ed Amuleti Mac Os 11

[Force lang for apps]

Forces the specific language for apps.

Note: some apps can have no support for the selected language.

[Replace IMSLib.dylib with a stub]

Replaces the Adobe’s authentication library with a stub.

[Enable the genuine RetrieveLibraryPath algorithm]

Apps are using this function to find the path to the file IMSLib.dylib (which is the authentication library). By default, this emulator will redirect all paths to the current framework directory.

Peti Ed Amuleti Mac Os X

If it is required to return the path to the installed AAM, then this function should be used.

Note: when enabled, the IMSLib.dylib stub library won’t be used!

……………………… thanks everyone