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Take a look at some quotes from some of Mac's 'finer' moments and see why he is definitely not the brains of Paddy's Pub. 10 I'm that character from Lord of the Rings – Vijo Morgenstein. Couples costumes can be a tricky thing to pull off, especially when one half of the couple chooses a new costume. Table of Contents Format dashes and quotation marks in Numbers on Mac You can use smart quotes to automatically convert quotation marks to curly quotation marks and use smart dashes to convert double hyphens (-) to dashes (—). Turn smart dashes on or off.

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by Markus Kuhn

Summary: Please do not use the ASCII grave accent (0x60) asa left quotation mark together with the ASCII apostrophe (0x27) as thecorresponding right quotation mark (as in `quote'). Yourtext will otherwise appear rather strange with most modern fonts(e.g., on Windows and Mac systems). Only old X Window System fonts andsome old video terminals show ASCII 0x60/0x27 as left and rightquotation marks, while most modern systems follow the ISO and Unicodestandards instead. If you can use only ASCII’s typewriter characters,then use the apostrophe character (0x27) as both the left and rightquotation mark (as in 'quote'). If you can use Unicodecharacters, nice directional quotation marks are available in the formof characters U+2018, U+2019, U+201C, and U+201D (as in‘quote’ or “quote”).


The Unicode and ISO 10646standards define the following characters:

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U+0022QUOTATION MARKneutral (vertical), used as opening or closing quotation mark;preferred characters in English for paired quotation marks are U+201C and U+201D
U+0027APOSTROPHEneutral (vertical) glyph having mixed usage; preferred character for apostrophe is U+2019;preferred characters in English for paired quotation marks are U+2018 and U+2019
U+2019RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARKthis is the preferred character to use for apostrophe

ASCII and ISO 8859 were only designed to support the veryrestricted typographic style available to typewriter users. The twoASCII characters


are supposed to represent the neutral (vertical) glyphs commonlyused on typewriters. They should not be used asdirectional quotation marks.

ISO 8859 and Unicode fonts are supposed to show the two accentcharacters


as mutually symmetric shapes.

The problem

Unfortunately, the X Window System fonts contained for a long timethe following mutually symmetric glyphs:


These shapes were even sanctioned by an early US version of the ISO646 standard (ANSI X3.4, also known as ASCII), which defined 0x27 as“apostrophe (closing single quotation mark; acute accent)”, but theyshould already have been changed when the fonts were extended to coverISO 8859-1, which added a separate acute accent at 0xB4. One obviouslycannot have both 0x27/0x60 and 0x60/0xB4 as mutually symmetric glyphpairs and have at the same time a different shape for 0x27 and 0xB4.Since 0x60/0xB4 were defined to be accents by the modern standards,their symmetric shape got priority, except that this had not beenfixed in the X fonts until 2004 (somewhat earlier in the versions thatcome with XFree86).

The old X fonts encouraged some authors of Unix software anddocumentation to abuse 0x60 together with 0x27 as directionalquotation marks. This practice looked somewhat acceptable like


if displayed with old X fonts, but it looked rather ugly like


in most other modern display environments (e.g., with the correctlydesigned Windows and Mac TrueType fonts, but also on many classic1970s/1980s video terminals, such as those by Siemens/Nixdorf and manyother manufacturers).

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For example, 0x60 and 0x27 look under Windows NT 4.0 with theTrueType font Lucida Console (size 14) like this:

Unicode and ISO 10646 make a very clear distinction between theundirected typewriter-style ASCII single quotation mark and apostropheU+0027 as in


and the typographic directed quotation marks U+2018 and U+2019 asin


Unicode 2.1 explicitly says that U+2019 is the preferredpunctuation apostrophe, as in “We’ve been here before.”The Unicode standard also notes:

“For historical reasons, U+0027 is a particularlyoverloaded character. In ASCII it is used to represent a punctuationmark (such as right single quotation mark, left single quotation mark,apostrophe punctuation, vertical line, or prime) or a modifier letter(such as apostrophe modifier or acute accent.) (Punctuation marksgenerally break words; modifier letters generally are considered partof a word.) In many systems it is always represented as a straightvertical line and can never represent a curly apostrophe or rightquotation mark.”

What to do?

If you are the author of some Unix software, then please check,whether you use the ASCII character 0x60 (`) as a leftquotation mark as in `quote'. Change it such that you useinstead the character 0x27 (') on both sides, as in'quote'. If you work in an environment where the UTF-8encoding is already used everywhere (e.g., Plan9 and most modernGNU/Linux installations), you could even decide to use properdirectional quotation marks, as in ‘quote’ or“quote”.

Check your source code directories with

to find out, where modifications are necessary. Then use (withproper care!) something like

to make the necessary substitutions automatically, or make theedits manually instead.

The use of 0x60 (grave accent) as a special control character inthe Unix shell (to denote command substitution as in`command` or better $(command)), in Perl, inLisp, or in TeX/troff (to denote a proper left single quotation mark)does not have to be changed and remains unaffected. Donald Knuth’s TeXbook(chapter 2, page 3, end of second paragraph) has actually warned TeXusers already since 1986 that the apostrophe and grave accent shapescan show up as required by ISO and Unicode and not as used in the restof the TeXbook. The Unix m4 macro processor is probably the onlywidely used tool that uses the `quote' combination as part of itsinput syntax; however, even that could be modified viachangequote.

Why should we fix this?

There are quite a number of reasons, why the old X fonts had to befixed, and with them the associated ASCII backquote practice:

  • Obviously, grave accent and acute accent have to be mutuallysymmetric, which was not the case in the old X fonts.
  • The Unicode4.0 standard says explicitly that U+0027 be a “neutral (vertical)glyph having mixed usage” and shows the entire ASCII section likethis:
  • The ISO 10646, ISO8859 and ISO 646/ECMA-6standards also show the vertical typewriter apostrophe for U+0027 andhave U+0060 and U+00B4 as mutually symmetric accents.
  • The code table in ANSI X3.4:1986 (“ASCII”), which has been printedusing the OCR-B font, also shows the vertical typewriter apostrophe.Historically, the originally proposed use of 0x60 in theinternational 7-bit coded character set was as a grave accent (ISO TC97/SC 2 meeting, October 29-31, 1963), and only later its meaning wasextended in the US implementation of the standard to also cover theuse as a left single quotation mark (CACM 8(4)207-214,1965).
  • Most European keyboards have keycap labels for the apostrophe andboth accents. These have always looked like in the ISO and Unicodestandards. The photo below shows the relevant keys highlighted on astandard German PC keyboard, which has the acute/grave accent key leftand the number-sign/apostrophe key below the backspace key:

    It can cause quite some confusion for users, if the keycap labelsand the glyph shapes in the fonts disagree, as they did in the old Xfonts.

  • Microsoft and Apple fonts also follow the modern standards anddisagree with the old X fonts. X11 users really should not be misleadabout how the characters they use will appear on other standardsconforming systems. Otherwise they will not realize that for exampleevery user of a Windows web browser (screenshot: Internet Explorer 5)sees “backquotes” as in
  • Since XFree86 4.0 added TrueType fontsupport, users of GNU/Linux systems have increasingly usedmodern fonts with the straight 0x27 glyph, and getfunny quotation marks with older software that tries to do showdirectional quotation marks with ASCII (most notably various GNU packages).
  • The characters 0x27 (apostrophe) and 0x22 (quotation mark) areoften used to abbreviate minutes and seconds or feet and inches, whichis yet another reason, why 0x27 should just be a single-stroke versionof 0x22, and not a curly directional quotation mark.

Updated X Window System core BDFfonts have been available since 1998, in which the apostrophe andgrave accent are now corrected, along with a number of other bugs.They replaced the old fonts in XFree86 since version 4.0 and in theX.Org sample implementation since X11R6.8.

Related hints


PostScript has a somewhat complicated history of how it maps theASCII bytes to glyphs. In PostScript fonts, each glyph is identifiednot by a code position, but by a glyph name such as“quotesingle”. After the publication of the Unicode Standard, Adobereleased an official PostScriptGlyph Name to Unicode Mapping table. When a PostScript interpreterdisplays text, it uses an encoding vector to map the 8-bitbyte values found in text strings onto the glyph names found in fonts.

glyph nameencoding vector
U+0022QUOTATION MARKquotedbl0x220x220x22
U+0060GRAVE ACCENTgrave0xC10x910x60
U+00B4ACUTE ACCENTacute0xC20x92/0xB40xB4
U+2018LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARKquoteleft0x600x600x91
U+2019RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARKquoteright0x270x270x92

PostScript provides several predefined 8-bit encoding vectors.Authors of printer drivers can easily add their own. As the abovetable shows, the original PostScriptstandard encoding followed a practice similar to the old X fonts,with all its problems, namely it mapped the ASCII bytes 0x60 and 0x27to curly opening and closing quotation marks (“quoteleft” and“quoteright” in PostScript glyph-name terminology, or U+2018 andU+2019 in Unicode).

When ISO 8859-1 emerged, Adobe added to PostScript anotherpredefined encoding vector called ISOLatin1Encoding. Thiswas meant to be ISO 8859-1 compatible, but it remained at 0x60 and0x27 unchanged from the old StandardEncoding vector, andtherefore it does not actually print the ISO 8859-1 characters 0x27and 0x60 correctly, which correspond to Unicode characters U+0027 andU+0060 and should be represented by the PostScript glyphs “grave” and“quotesingle”. The authors of Adobe’s PostScriptLanguage Reference, Third Edition (Addison-Wesley, ISBN0-201-37922-8) acknowledge this in section E.5, footnote 3, page 783,where they note that the “ISOLatin1Encoding encodingvector deviates from the ISO 8859-1 standard” and that an applicationthat wants to “conform exactly to the ISO standard should create amodified encoding vector”. The newer CE encoding vector (CentralEuropean, matching Windows CP1250), which is now also described in thePostScript Language Reference, correctly maps 0x27 to “quotesingle”and 0x60 to “grave”.

If you write a PostScript driver, please use the official Unicodeto PostScript mapping table to map ASCII, ISO 8859 and ISO 10646characters to PostScript glyphs, as the updated Type 1 renderer inXFree86 4.0 does. Do not use the ISOLatin1Encodingencoding vector to print ISO 8859-1 text, without changing it first tomap 0x27 to “quotesingle” and 0x60 to “grave”. (In addition, you mayalso want to map 0x2D = HYPHEN-MINUS to the PostScript glyph “hyphen”instead of the “minus” mapping used byISOLatin1Encoding).


The font cmtt10 in TeX’s Computer Modern familyfollows the example of the PostScript standard encoding by providing astraight double quotation mark and directional single quotation markson the ASCII positions 0x22, 0x60, and 0x27. It also provides astraight single quotation mark, grave accent, and acute accent on codepositions 0x0d, 0x12, and 0x13, respectively, but it lacks directionaldouble quotation marks:

U+0027 APOSTROPHEchar'0D
U+0060 GRAVE ACCENTchar'12
U+00B4 ACUTE ACCENTchar'13

Quote Mao

Therefore, to demonstrate the result of abusing ASCII’s straightquotation mark and graph accent as directional quotation marks in adocument written in LaTeX, you can write texttt{char'12quotechar'0D}. The non-typewriter fonts in Computer Modernlack both single and double straight quotation marks.

Use LaTeX’s upquote package (usepackage{upquote})to map in the verbatim modes the ASCII characters 0x27 and 0x60 to thecorrect glyphs.


  • Michael Everson: On the apostropheand quotation mark, with a note on Egyptian transliterationcharacters, Working Group Document ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N2043,1999-07-24
  • Adobe: Unicode and Glyph Names, 1997–2003.
  • Bruno Haible explains how tooutput nice Unicode quotation marks in a portable way using GNUgettext.
  • TheUnicode Standard, Version 4.0, Addison-Wesley, 2003, ISBN0321185781.
  • Jukka Korpela: Characterhistories: notes on some ASCII code positions.
  • Markus Kuhn: Apostrophe and acute accentconfusion. This is a page on the frequent error of misusing theU+00B4 or U+0060 acute and grave accent as an apostrophe instead ofthe appropriate apostrophe character U+0027 or better U+2019. This istoday a frequent mistake, made by users of German, Swedish, Spanishand other PC keyboards, where the acute accent key is easier to reachthan the (shifted) apostrophe key. The acute/grave key should alwaysbe non-spacing, to make it less likely that it is misused for enteringwrong apostrophes.
  • David A. Wheeler: CurlingQuotes in HTML, SGML, and XML.

created 1999-12-19 – last modified 2007-12-11 –http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/quotes.html