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A buddy send a request. He was installing MediaWiki on Ubuntu and he was having issues so he asked me to take a look. I reviewed a link on Linux Support and HowtoForge on installing MediaWiki, and found them to be a tad dated. So, I went through the installation myself, and here is how I installed it.
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- Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 or later Computer: CoreIntel® TM Solo or Duo Processor (recommended: Intel® CoreTM Duo Processor 1.83 GHz or higher) 512 MB or more of RAM 1.2 Installing the Scanner Driver 1. Insert the iVina BulletScan Disc into your Optical drive. When the drive is mounted and shows up on your desktop, double-click on.
- A host operating system is the OS the virtual environment will run on. The guest is the virtual environment. Virtual Box and Vagrant. Download the appropriate version of Virtual Box and the VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. Install Virtual Box according to the instructions for your host Operating System.
- I am using Word for Mac 16.18 with MacOS Mojave. I want to have less space after the checkmark bullet. The bullet is set to indent 0'. I have tried numerous settings for the indent of the bullet but.
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All steps are done as an sudoer or as the root user. I did this on AWS with a Ubuntu 18.04 minimal base image. I assume you know how to log into a console. I used Apache. You can use Nginx, but the server directions are different and I did not have a chance to try them out.
Update the OS
Install basic packages
Once PHP is installed you will get a notice similar to:
I enabled it after the fact and it worked. You can do it now or later as you desire.
Modify PHP settings (Optional)
If you are putting your server into production, use the following settings initially. If you are just looking around, the default php.ini settings are fine except for the timezone settings. You should set the timezone appropriately.
For production, edit /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini and make the following changes:
Run the secure installation for MariaDB (Optional)
If you are running a production server, you should do a secure installation.
Create the MediaWiki table space
Login to MariaDB
And create the MediaWIki user and db as follows
Where password is a secure password. This will be put into the MediaWiki configuration later, so do not forget it. The database mediadb and user media can be anything you want them to be.
Edit Apache’s site configuration
You will need to add MediaWiki to the site configuration. Create a new file called mediawiki.conf
And add the following:
Where the ServerAdmin variable should be real email address and the ServerName should be the domain name of the server. Also, ensure that the DocumentRoot is correct. If you only want to use MediaWiki, you can set the DocumentRoot to /var/www/html
, but you have to modify a step below as well.
Restart everything
Do not restart the server yet! Instead, restart the key services.
Download the current MediaWiki source
From the MediaWiki site, make sure you have the correct version. As of this writing, it is: mediawiki-1.33.1
Change to a temporary directory, download, untar, and move the file to the web server:
If you modified the DocumentRoot in the Apache configuration to /var/www/html
, you will need to modify the command above. You will only need to move the contents of the base mediawiki folder:
Point your browser at the web site
Depending on your confirmation you can either use localhost or the hostname of your server. If you use the mediawiki folder option, you have to put the folder on the end.
Good luck!
Web Links
BrowseAn opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3)
- Total183K
- Win94K
- Mac54K
- Linux35K
May 2 | May 1 | Apr 30 | Apr 29 | Apr 28 | Apr 27 | Apr 26 | Apr 25 | Apr 24 | Apr 23 | Apr 22 | Apr 21 | Apr 20 | Apr 19 | Apr 18 | Apr 17 | Apr 16 | Apr 15 | Apr 14 | Apr 13 | Apr 12 | Apr 11 | Apr 10 | Apr 9 | Apr 8 | Apr 7 | Apr 6 | Apr 5 | Apr 4 | Apr 3 | Apr 2 | Apr 1 | Mar 31 | Mar 30 | Mar 29 | Mar 28 | Mar 27 | Mar 26 | Mar 25 | Mar 24 | Mar 23 | Mar 22 | Mar 21 | Mar 20 | Mar 19 | Mar 18 | |
Windows | 7 | 15 | 15 | 17 | 28 | 16 | 15 | 9 | 10 | 20 | 12 | 14 | 27 | 19 | 13 | 11 | 14 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 21 | 15 | 6 | 17 | 22 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 25 | 19 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 22 | 20 | 12 | 25 | 19 | 17 | 11 | 14 | 25 |
Mac | 3 | 4 | 15 | 7 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 11 | 7 | 9 | 12 | 14 | 26 | 9 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 11 | 15 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 9 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 7 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 11 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 3 | 4 | 13 |
Linux | 2 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 1 | 9 | 4 | 6 | 13 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 3 | 8 | 5 | 3 | 7 | 9 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 7 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 8 | 8 |
- Source
- raw.githubusercontent.com
An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text (2 & 3) editor
To install this plugin, you have two options:
If you have Package Control installed, simply search for
to install.Clone source code to Sublime Text packages folder.
Start a new todo-list
Bring up the command palette (it’s ⌘ + shift + p in OS X and ctrl + shift + p in Windows) and type task
and select Tasks: New document
NOTE: Save your todo files with todo
, todolist
, tasks
or taskpaper
file extensions or just name them TODO
with no extension.For more portability you can use todolist.txt
either as a filename or as suffix for any arbitrary filename.
NOTE: In Windows or Linux use ctrl instead of ⌘
☐ ⌘ + enter or ⌘ + i: new task
☐ ⌘ + d: toggle task as completed.
☐ ctrl + c: toggle task as cancelled on Mac. alt + c on Windows/Linux.
☐ ⌘ + shift + a will archive the done tasks, by removing them from your list and appending them to the bottom of the file under Archive project
☐ ⌘ + shift + o will archive in Org-Mode style, removing the entire subtree after cursor and appending it to new file next to original one, e.g. if original is filename.TODO
then new would be filename_archive.TODO
☐ ⌘ + shift + u will open the url under the cursor in your default browser, other than http(s) schemes must be enclosed within <>
, e.g. <skype:nickname>
☐ Anything with colon at the end of the line is a project title, you can also nest projects by indenting them.

☐ You can write plain text as notes or descriptions wherever you want. Use _
or *
for italic and bold just like in Markdown.
☐ You can add tags using @
You can place cursors on tags, click right mouse button and Filter by tags under cursors:pending tasks with selected tags will remain visible (and their notes and projects they belong to), but everything else will be hidden/folded; to unfold all press ⌘+k, ⌘+j or ⌘+k, ⌘+0
Bulletspace Mac Os Download
☐ You can navigate tags in current document via ⌘+shift+r.
☐ PlainTasks comes with a simple snippet for creating separators, if you feel that your task list is becoming too long you can split it into several sections (and fold some of them) using this snippet:
and then tab will give you this: --- ✄ -----------------------
☐ Completion rules (ctrl+space or alt+/ to see list of them):
- type
, press tab — it’ll become@today
— this one is highlighted differently than other tags; c
, tab —@critical
, tab —@high
, tab —@low
, tab —@started
— press tab again and current date will be inserted, when you’ll complete or cancel a task with such tag, you’ll know how many time has passed since start; if you have to change done/cancelled/started time, then you can recalculate the time spent on task by pressing tab while cursor is placed on a tag;tg
, tab, tab work in the same manner ass
, but inserts@toggle(current date)
— so you can pause and resume to get more correct result when done/cancel; each toggle tag is either pause or resume depending on its place in sequence;cr
, tab, tab —@created(current date)
(⌘ + shift + enter creates a new task with this tag);d
, tab —@due( )
If you press tab again, it’ll insert current date, same for@due( 0)
You can type short date (similar to OrgMode’s date prompt, but not the same) and then press tab to expand it into default format.
Short date should be _@due(year-month-day hour:minute)
Dot can be used instead of hyphen, but should be consistent _year.month.day
year, month, minute, hour can be omitted:
Notation Meaning @due(1)
1st day of next month always @due(--1)
1st day of current month always @due(5)
5th day of current month (or next month if current day is 5th or older) @due(2-3)
February 3rd of current year or next one @due(31 23:)
31st day of current/next month at 23 hours and minutes are equal to current moment @due(16.1.1 1:1)
January 1st of 2016 at 01:01 @due(16-01-01 01:01)
relative period of time starts with a plus sign or two
__ — number is optional as well as letterd
for days or letterw
for weeks.Notation Meaning @due(+)
tomorrow as well as @due( +1)
or@due( +1d)
one week since current date, i.e. @due( +7)
3 weeks since current date, i.e. @due( +21d)
one day since @created(date)
if any, otherwise it is equal to@due(+)
two hours since current date @due(+:555)
555 minutes since current date @due(+2 12:)
2 days and 12 hours since current date
☐ You can create a link to a file within your project by prefixing the file name with a dot and (back)slash like: .filename
or ./another filename/
The line and column can be specified by colons: .filename:11:8
In SublimeText 3 you can specify a symbol inside that file by using > character like: .filename>symbol
In SublimeText 2 you can specify a text inside that file by using inch characters like: .filename'any text'
Pressing ctrl + o (alt + o on Windows/Linux) will open the file in Sublime and scroll to specific position if any.
Also in SublimeText 3 link may point to directory, open such link will add the directory to current project (sidebar).
In addition, Markdown and “wiki” (Org-Mode, NV, etc.) styles are supported as well, examples:
☐ To convert current document to HTML, bring up the command palette ⌘ + shift + p and type Tasks: View as HTML
— it will be opened in default webbrowser, so you can view and save it.Tasks: Save as HTML…
ask if you want to save and if yes, allow to choose directory and filename (but won’t open it in webbrowser).
Editor Useful Tools:
☐ Use ⌘ + control + up/down (ctrl + shift + up/down on Windows) to move tasks up and down.
☐ Use ⌘ + r to see a list of projects and quickly jump between them
★ See the Tutorial for more detailed information.
PlainTasks is an opinionated plugin, which means that it is highly configured to look in a specific way, but this does not mean that you can not customize it. If you feel that something does not look right and you want to change it, you can easily do it in your user settings file.
Go to Preferences → Package Settings → PlainTasks
and open Settings - User
, there you can override all the default settings, to get an idea you can take a look at Settings - Default
Here is a list of PlainTasks’ specific settings:
Setting | Default | Options/Description |
open_tasks_bullet | ☐ | - ❍ ❑ ■ □ ☐ ▪ ▫ – — ≡ → › [ ] |
done_tasks_bullet | ✔ | ✓ ☑ + [x] |
cancelled_tasks_bullet | ✘ | x [-] |
date_format | (%y-%m-%d %H:%M) | See strfti.me for quick reference; detailed documentation: ST2, ST3 |
done_tag | true | Determines whether done tasks should gain a @done tag or not |
done_date | true | Determines whether done tasks should gain a date or not |
before_tasks_bullet_margin | 1 | Determines the number of spaces (default indent) before the task bullet |
project_tag | true | Postfix archived task with project tag, otherwise prefix |
archive_name | Archive: | Make sure it is the unique project name within your todo files |
new_on_top | true | How to sort archived tasks (done_tag=true and default date_format are required) |
header_to_task | false | If true, a project title line will be converted to a task on the certain keystroke |
decimal_minutes | false | If true, minutes in lasted/wasted tags will be percent of hour, e.g. 1.50 instead of 1:30 |
tasks_bullet_space | whitespace or tab | String to place after bullet, might be any character(s) |
highlight_past_due | true | If true, highlight past, soon, and invalid @due(something) |
highlight_due_soon | 24 | Hours as int, threshold to define which @due will be soon |
scope_past_due | string.other.tag.todo.critical | Any scope, define color for past @due |
scope_due_soon | string.other.tag.todo.high | Any scope, define color for @due will be soon |
scope_misformatted | string.other.tag.todo.low | Any scope, define color for @due mismatch date_format |
icon_past_due | 'circle' | Gutter icon¹ |
icon_due_soon | 'dot' | Gutter icon¹ |
icon_misformatted | ' | Gutter icon¹ |
icon_critical | ' | Gutter icon¹ |
icon_high | ' | Gutter icon¹ |
icon_low | ' | Gutter icon¹ |
icon_today | ' | Gutter icon¹ |
show_remain_due | false | In Sublime 3, show remain or overdue time under due tags |
show_calendar_on_tags | false | In Sublime 3, if true, automatically show date picker when cursor is on tag (you can get date picker any time via context menu) |
due_preview_offset | 0 | Place preview date outside of parens of @due() , 1 — within |
due_remain_format | '{time} remaining' | {time} will be replaced with actual value |
due_overdue_format | '{time} overdue' | {time} will be replaced with actual value |
Bulletspace Mac Os Catalina
¹ Icon value can be 'dot'
, 'circle'
, 'bookmark'
, 'cross'
, '
, or custom relative path to existing png file,e.g. 'Packages/User/my-icon.png'
Changing color scheme
If you don't like colors used in bundled schemes just copy any .hidden-tmTheme
from PlainTasks to your User directory, change colors and paste the code below in your user settings file:
Bulletspace Mac Os Downloads
N.B., sometimes you have to restart Sublime Text to apply changes made in tmTheme file.
N.B., scope_past_due
, scope_due_soon
, and scope_misformatted
settings can assign any scopes defined in tmTheme file, e.g. you can set 'scope_past_due': 'my.own.super.expired.whatever'
and then just add style definition in tmTheme for this scope.
Taskpaper Compatibility
Bulletspace Mac Os X
If you need to keep your files compatible with Taskpaper, go to Preferences → Package Settings → PlainTasks
and open Settings - User
, thenadd these settings to the json file:
Spell check
It is build-in feature of Sublime, you can toggle spell check with F6.
For convinience, you may add bullets in list of ignored words into Preferences → Settings - User
, e.g.
[BONUS] Custom todo icon
PlainTasks comes with a custom todo icon that you can find in the icons
folder. You can assign it to your todo files to give them a better look and distinguish them from other plain text files. Google and find out how to assign a custom icon to a file type in your operating system.
[BONUS] Custom Statistics
Statistics of current file are represented in status-bar, based on stats_format
, which is '$n/$a done ($percent%) $progress Last task @done $last'
by default — as you can see it’s just a string containing special directives (see table bellow) and regular chars.
Directive | Description |
$o | Amount of pending tasks |
$d | Amount of completed tasks |
$c | Amount of cancelled tasks |
$n | Sum of completed and cancelled tasks |
$a | Sum of all tasks |
$percent | Ratio of $n to $a |
$progress | Percent as pseudo graphics (absents if less than 10%) |
$last | Date of lastly completed task |
{{...}} | Return pending/completed/cancelled tasks which matched by regex ... ;e.g. {{@tag}} — amounts of tasks with @tag ; or {{@a |
So you can customise it as you like, by adding to Settings - User
, e.g.
Copy statistics
Bring up the command palette and type Tasks: Copy Statistics
Additional settings for progress bar
Introduction to PlainTasks Screencast
PlainTasks for other editors
NOTE: These are separate projects, maintained by some awesome developers other than us.- Atom: Tasks plugin- Vim: Plaintasks.vim- Visual Studio Code: To Do Tasks- Visual Studio Code: Todo+
You can contribute on github
- Thanks to Chagel for the iTodo plugin.
- Thanks to Taskmate for TextMate.
- Thanks to TaskPaper Mac application from hogbaysoftware.com
Copyright 2012-2013 Allen Bargi. Licensed under the MIT License